1887 Corinda - Riverview Oxley
1887 Corinda - Riverview Oxley
1887 Corinda - Riverview Oxley
1887 Corinda - Riverview Oxley
1887 Corinda - Riverview Oxley
1887 Corinda - Riverview Oxley
1887 Corinda - Riverview Oxley
1887 Corinda - Riverview Oxley
1887 Corinda - Riverview Oxley
1887 Corinda - Riverview Oxley
1887 Corinda - Riverview Oxley

Suburb Maps

1887 Corinda - Riverview Oxley

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This Suburb Maps also appears in the following collections:

Estate Map showing the Riverview Oxley Estate in Corinda

Riverview Oxley - 18 Magnificent Residence Sites.

Street names shown on the map:

  • River Terrace (now Ardoyne Road)
  • Moss Lane (now Morcom Avenue)
  • Fern Lane (now Keble Street)
  • Fern Lane (now Allan Terrace)
  • Arch Road (now Walker Street)
  • Sherwood Road (now Oxley Road)

The map covers the present day streets:

  • Ardoyne Road, Corinda
  • Morcom Avenue, Corinda
  • Keble Street, Corinda
  • Allan Terrace, Corinda
  • Walker Street, Corinda
  • Part of Oxley Road, Corinda
  • Kingman Lane, Corinda
  • Menin Road, Corinda
  • Hindon Street, Corinda

Year: 1887

Date: Wednesday, 6 July 1887

Location: Corinda, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

The map also includes the following text:

  • For Sale by J. H. Henzell & Son - 54 Queen Street, Brisbane
  • 18 Magnificent Residence Sites
  • With areas from one acre to one acre and a quarter each fronting Sherwood Road, Railway Line and River Terrace, and commanding an extensive view of the Brisbane River, Farms and Hills of the Oxley district, and surrounded by the Residences of C. M. Collins, J.M Davidson, J. P. De Winton, H. W. Coxen, H. Lucock and - Hassall Esqs.; and only 5 minutes walk from either South Brisbane Junction or Oxley Railway Stations, and almost adjoining the proposed Station as will be seen by Local Sketch.
  • Terms
  • Quarter Cash: Balance at 4, 8, and 12 months with 6 per cent interest
  • One Tenth Cash: Balance at 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24 and 27 months; 7 per cent interest
  • Or for 10 Years with 8 per cent added
  • Example: I buy an Allotment at £160 and £16 deposit; balance at £3 12s every 3 months, with 8 percent added - thus, 1s 6d for first quarter; 3s second quarter; 4s 6d third quarter; and so on until last payment. Rebate at same rate as charged will be allowed if balance paid before end of time.
  • The Railway Fares are exceedingly moderate, and are likely to be reduced as settlement increases, viz:-
  • Quarterly Ticket
  • South Brisbane Junction, 1st Class £2 4s 3d
  • South Brisbane Junction, 2nd Class £1 9s 6d
  • Oxley, 1st Class £2 8s 0d
  • Oxley, 2nd Class £1 12s 3d
  • Local Sketch
  • Brisbane River
  • Railway Station
  • Proposed Station
  • South Brisbane Junction
  • Mrs I. H. Walker
  • J. M. Davidson
  • C. M. Collins
  • F. E. Salisbury
  • De Winton
  • Railway Line
  • To Oxley
  • To Sherwood & South Brisbane Junction
  • N. Sinnott Licensed Surveyor

Newspaper Advertisement

Newspaper Advertisement - The Telegraph - Page 7

Wednesday, 6 July 1887

Oxley. Oxley

Riverview Estate

For Sale

18 Grand Building Sites

An Acre and an Acre and a Quarter each.

Splendid views. Quite close to either Oxley or South Brisbane Junction Railway Station.

Alternate terms, extending over 10 years, if desired. Lithographs freee, and posted to any address.

J. H. Henzell & Son. 54 Queen Street.