Kedron streets with Historical Maps and Aerial Photos
Kedron has 2 maps and 2 aerial photos with 105 streets associated with it.
- 1917 Kedron - Glenkedron Estate - 1st Section
- 1920 Gordon Park - Glen Kedron South - Section 2
- 1936 Stafford Heights - Aerial Photo - Webster Road
- 1946 Wavell Heights - Aerial Photo - Rode Road
The 105 streets associated with the 2 maps and 2 aerial photos are as follows:
Achilles Street, Kedron
Adele Street, Kedron
Alice Street, Kedron
Allan Street, Kedron
Araluen Street, Kedron
Armentieres Street, Kedron
Arnott Street, Kedron
Backhouse Street, Kedron
Batten Street, Kedron
Bay Street, Kedron
Beauval Street, Kedron
Bloxsom Street, Kedron
Bohland Street, Kedron
Boothby Street, Kedron
Bradley Avenue, Kedron
Bristol Road, Kedron
Brockman Street, Kedron
Brookfield Road, Kedron
Broughton Road, Kedron
Caithness Street, Kedron
Castle Street, Kedron
Chesilton Street, Kedron
Childers Street, Kedron
Clarence Road, Kedron
Colac Street, Kedron
Connolly Street, Kedron
Cremorne Road, Kedron
Dawn Street, Kedron
Delacourt Street, Kedron
Dorrigo Street, Kedron
East Street, Kedron
Eddowes Street, Kedron
Edinburgh Castle Road, Kedron
Eighth Avenue, Kedron
Elderslie Street, Kedron
Eleventh Avenue, Kedron
Eltham Street, Kedron
Emerald Street, Kedron
Erskine Avenue, Kedron
Evans Street, Kedron
Exley Street, Kedron
Fifth Avenue, Kedron
Figgis Street, Kedron
Fourteenth Avenue, Kedron
Gail Street, Kedron
Gallagher Terrace, Kedron
Glen Kedron Lane, Kedron
Glenfern Avenue, Kedron
Glenhaven Street, Kedron
Glentanna Street, Kedron
Goodall Street, Kedron
Gourlay Street, Kedron
Gunner Street, Kedron
Gympie Road, Kedron
Haines Street, Kedron
Hennessy Lane, Kedron
Hinkler Street, Kedron
Homebush Road, Kedron
Howell Street, Kedron
Hutchins Street, Kedron
Ida Street, Kedron
Jardine Street, Kedron
Kate Street, Kedron
Kedron Street, Kedron
Kitchener Road, Kedron
Lasseter Street, Kedron
Lawley Street, Kedron
Leckie Road, Kedron
Maggs Street, Kedron
Maudsley Street, Kedron
Mawson Street, Kedron
Mellor Street, Kedron
Millway Street, Kedron
Mitchell Street, Kedron
Moree Street, Kedron
Nieppe Street, Kedron
Nineth Avenue, Kedron
North Street, Kedron
Nundah Street, Kedron
Oates Street, Kedron
Oliver Street, Kedron
Park Terrace, Kedron
Parkdale Street, Kedron
Ramsay Street, Kedron
Sadlier Street, Kedron
Scott Street, Kedron
Seabrook Street, Kedron
Seventh Avenue, Kedron
Shackleton Street, Kedron
Sixth Avenue, Kedron
Somerset Road, Kedron
Sport Street, Kedron
St Clair Street, Kedron
Stafford Road, Kedron
Strathmore Street, Kedron
Tanimbla Street, Kedron
Tenth Avenue, Kedron
Thirteenth Avenue, Kedron
Turner Road, Kedron
Twelfth Avenue, Kedron
View Street, Kedron
Wallin Street, Kedron
Webster Road, Kedron
Wood Street, Kedron
Yiada Street, Kedron
The streets listed are registered with each of the maps.
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