Milton streets with Historical Maps and Aerial Photos
Milton has 2 maps and 1 aerial photo with 55 streets associated with it.
- 1899 Auchenflower - Dunmore Estate
- 1920 Paddington - Mayne Estate
- 1946 Paddington - Aerial Photo - Given Terrace
The 55 streets associated with the 2 maps and 1 aerial photo are as follows:
Baroona Road, Milton
Bayswater Street, Milton
Bergin Street, Milton
Black Street, Milton
Blaxland Street, Milton
Boomerang Street, Milton
Camford Street, Milton
Castlemaine Street, Milton
Caxton Street, Milton
Challinor Street, Milton
Chippendall Street, Milton
Copeland Street, Milton
Coronation Drive, Milton
Cribb Street, Milton
Crombie Street, Milton
Dorsey Street, Milton
Douglas Street, Milton
Eagle Terrace, Milton
Emma Street, Milton
Finchley Street, Milton
Fort Lane, Milton
Gardner Close, Milton
Gordon Street, Milton
Graham Street, Milton
Guthrie Street, Milton
Haig Road, Milton
Hale Street, Milton
Heussler Terrace, Milton
High Street, Milton
Huxham Terrace, Milton
Isaac Street, Milton
Little Cribb Street, Milton
Lucy Street, Milton
Manning Street, Milton
Marie Street, Milton
Mayneview Street, Milton
Mcdougall Street, Milton
McDougall Street, Milton
Milton Road, Milton
Milton Road Milton, Milton
Moffat Street, Milton
Moore Street, Milton
Nairn Street, Milton
Park road, Milton
Park Road, Milton
Parkview Street, Milton
Paten Street, Milton
Patrick Street, Milton
Railway Terrace, Milton
Royal Street, Milton
Sackville Street, Milton
Sheehan Street, Milton
Walsh Street, Milton
Wight Street, Milton
Young Street, Milton
The streets listed are registered with each of the maps.
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