Map showing Oxley Station Terraces Estate in Corinda
Oxley Station Terraces Estate - for sale on the ground Saturday 15th June 1889 at 2:30pm.
Street names shown on the map:
River Terrace (now Teesdale Street)
Gray Street (now Tapley Street)
- Richmond Street
- Oxley Terrace
Govt Road (now Ardoyne Road)
Govt Road (now Cliveden Avenue)
William Street (doesn't exist anymore)
The map covers the present day streets:
Teesdale Street, Corinda
Tapley Street, Corinda
Richmond Street, Corinda
Oxley Terrace, Corinda
- Part of Ardoyne Road, Corinda
- Part of Cliveden Avenue, Corinda
Year: 1889
Date: Saturday, 15th June 1889
Location: Corinda, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
The map also includes the following text:
- Comprising 145 allotments
- Being subdivisions of Portion 183,
- Parish of Oxley
- T. A. Lawson & Co. Auctioneers
- Terms: One-tenth Cash, balance 6, 12, 18 and 2 months, 8 per cent. added.
- Two and a half per cent. discount allowed for cash purchasers.
- Free conveyance by Train.
- First Class return tickets on application at the Mart.
- Local Sketch
- Brisbane River
- S & W Railway
- To Brisbane
- Corinda Junction
- Oxley Railway Station
- E. Labatt Esq
- J. P. DeWinton Esq
- Collins Esq
- Cox Esq
- Davidson Esq