1885 Hawthorne Estate - 140 years ago today
Today, 140 years ago, on Saturday, 28th February 1885, the Hawthorne Estate in Hawthorne was being advertised for sale by auction on the ground.
1885 Hawthorne Estate - Hawthorne, Brisbane
The Hawthorne Estate was advertised in the local papers on the days leading up to the sale.
The Hawthorne Estate covers the following streets in Hawthorne:
- Hawthorne Road (map shows as Bulimba Road)
- Amy Street
- Harris Street
- Stewart Street
- Virginia Avenue
- Scott Street
- Uhlmann Street (map shows as Hawthorne Road)
- Billington Street
- Birkai Street
- Aaron Avenue
Check out the 1946 Aerial view of the Hawthorne Estate.
1946 Aerial Photo of Hawthorne Estate
Sketch of Hawthorne Estate
On the reverse side of the lithograph, the Hawthorne Estate brochure included a sketch showing the Hawthorne Estate.
Sketch of the Hawthorne Estate
More Hawthorne information available
- Hawthorne Estate Maps
- Hawthorne Streets
- Historical Images - Hawthorne
- Aerial Photos - Hawthorne
- News about Hawthorne
Newspaper Advertisement
The Brisbane Courier - Page 7
Friday, 27 February 1885
Tomorrow on the ground, commencing at 2.30 sharp.
Luncheon on the ground at 1.30 sharp
Opposite New Farm.
378 Superior Allotments.
27 Large River frontages.
Unequalled for Wharves and Manufactories.
Magnificent Gentlemen's Residence Sites.
First-class Business Sites.
Terms: One Quarter Cash: Balance, One and Two Years, bearing 8 per cent interest.
To Capitalists, Speculators, Manufacturers, Shippers, Retired Gentlemen, Merchants, Commission Agents, and all others.
Arthur Martin & Co. have been favoured with instructions from the proprietors to sell by public auction on the ground on Saturday Afternoon, 28th February, commencing at 2.30 sharp.
Luncheon on the ground at 1.30 sharp.
The Hawthorne Estate comprising in all 378 superior allotments,
Being Subdivisions of Portions 1, 2, 1a and 2a, Parish of Bulimba.
Containing 72 acres, 3 roods
This truly charming proprerty where, as the poet said,
"Smiling Spring its earliest visit pays,
And parting Summers's lingering blooms delays,"
is situated on the banks of the Brisbane River, directly opposite New Farm starting a short distance below Norman's Creek, and reaching to within one remove of the Bulimba Ferry Road, extending back as far as the Main Bulimba Road, thus having a splendid main road and River Frontages.
The Hawthorne Estate is well known as Hawthorne, the late residence of R. M. Stewart, Esq. and the fact of its being selected for a residence by a gentleman of such recognised business ability and taste is alone sufficient guarantee that there is something superior about this property, and speaks volumes for it.
The whole of the extensive river frontage in this Estate has been cut up in 27 large blocks varying in extent from 1 Rood TO 38 Acres, and for Gentlemen's Residence Sites are not to be Surpassed.
The Panoramic Views to be had from this property of the city, suburbs, surrounding country, and river in its numerous windings are something immense. The healthiness of the locality is also a feature of Inestimable Value.
The chance of buying sites so perfect in every sense of the term will never again perhaps occur, so, now is the time to buy.
As for Wharves, Manufactories, etc these Deep River Frontages are Simply Invaluable.
Those engaged in industrial pursuits, or intending to engage in such, should not let this opportunity pass without procuring sites at first prices. River frontages like these are almost impossible to procure now at any price, and if this change is let pass it will take at least 100 per cent more to purchase those same sites within the next twelve months.
For business men who me on the lookout for sites which are Bound to go ahead with leaps and bounds, the frontages to the Bulimba Road, on which there is already considerable traffic, should command their attention, whilst to those on the lookout for Quiet and Handsome Residence Sites in a centrally-situated and most convenient place the other Allotments in this Estate should commend themselves favourably; for, in fact, there is not one Allotment in the property without its redeeming charms.
On the Estate, which will also be sold, is a very attractive and substantial Ten-roomed two-story wooden house, with 16ft balconies all round, Kitchen, Stabling, and all necessary outbuildings to make a Gentlemans's residence complete.
The Allotment on which this beautiful residence stands comprises over an Acre and a-half of Land, the position of which is splendid, commanding extensive and pretty views, and is extremely charming.
To Gentlemen on the lookout for a handsome residence this should pretty well suit their tastes.
Terms - the same as the rest of the Estate if necessary.
The Sale of this Estate with its extensive area and noble river frontage may well be said to be the premier sale of the season, being situated in the centre of the handsomest and most progressive suburbs around our Metropolis, for of all our Brisbane suburbs Bulimba certainly stands foremost, and has received more distinction than any other part during the last few months at the hands of some of the most capable business men and shrewdest capitalists in the city.
These men, guided by past experience, and of course seeing the bright future in store for this particular locality, have made large purchases of land which was then considered dear, but which can be placed now at 50 per cent on the prices paid then.
The Site of the proposed suspension bridge over the Brisbane River, is immediately beside this property, and when erected the infinite amount of traffic which is bound to result therefrom will cause this land to reach enormous prices all at once.
The Cleveland Railway will pass within about five minutes' walk of this property, and, injustice to the large population already settled about Bulimba, a Railway Station must be established there somewhere, so that the future prospects of this Estate are bright indeed.
Never before has such an opportunity been presented for profitable investment to the Brisbane public under such extremely favourable circumstances, and a man who insists on letting his money remain at interest in banks, etc., making up dividends for others, after such changes being offered, must, indeed, be blind to his own interests.
Land, of all investments, is the safest. Why? Because it always retains its value independent of, and almost unaltered, by all other mercantile changes.
It should also be borne in mind that buying land like the Hawthorne Estate, means not only the earliest possible investment but the most profitable which could be obtained.
In conclusion, the Auctioneers would advise their own personal friends not to lose sight of this sale, as it is without doubt the best chance for investing that has been offered this season.
To make matters more convenient, and to bring this Estate within easy distance of Queen street, a Steam Launch will commence running immediately after the Sale, which is capable of doing the distance from there to the city in about 15 minutes.
Purchasers at this sale will be allowed 12 months passes for themselves and their families, free of charge.
A Ferry will also be started across the River at New Farm, bringing this property at once within a comfortable 15 minutes' walk of Queen Street.
It would be almost impossible to do adequate justice to the sterling merits of this Property, in any attempt at description which the Auctioneers could possibly make, but at the same time they rest satisfied that the place is so well known already that such would be superfluous.
Lithographs now ready.
And the steam launch Amy, starting from Birkbeck's Wharf daily, will be placed at the disposal of parties who wish to inspect prior to Sale, the Auctioneers being confident that the sight will meet with the highest appreciation.
Note the terms again: Quarter Cash, Balance One and Two Years, Eight per cent interest.
Lithographs on Application.
Title Real Property Act.
Day of Sale - Saturday, 28th February.
Hundreds of Cars Engaged to Convey Intending Purchasers to the Sale Free of Charge, also, Steamers Otter and Louisa chartered for the day
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