1885 Princess Bridge Estate - 139 years ago today

Today, 139 years ago, on Saturday, 22 August 1885, the Princess Bridge Estate in St Lucia was being advertised for sale by auction on the ground.

Princess Bridge Estate Map

1885 Princess Bridge Estate - St Lucia, Brisbane

The Princess Bridge Estate was advertised in the local papers on the days leading up to the sale. 

Newspaper Advertisement

The Princess Bridge Estate covers Macquarie Street (map shows as River Terrace), Carr Street (map shows as Margaret Street), Keith Street (map shows as William Street), Sir Fred Schonell Drive (map shows as Toowong Road), Walcott Street (map shows as Main Street), Hood Street (map shows as Durham Street), Rock Street (map shows as Hill Street), Carmody Road (map shows as Government Road) and Glasshouse Road.

Google map showing the present day location of Princess Bridge Estate

Check out the 1936 Aerial view of the Princess Bridge Estate.

1936 Aerial Photo of Princess Bridge Estate

1936 Aerial Photo of Princess Bridge Estate

More St Lucia information available

Newspaper Advertisement - The Brisbane Courier - Page 8

This day on the ground commencing at 1.30 sharp.

The Princess Bridge Estate

166 Charming Building Sites
Site of Proposed Bridge on the Estate
River Frontages
Terms Liberal

To Capitalists, Speculators, Manufacturers, Labourers, Mechanics, and Others.

Arthur Martin & Co. are in receipt of instructions from the Proprietor to sell by public auction, on the Ground, on Saturday Afternoon 22nd August commencing at 2pm sharp.
The Princess Bridge Estate comprising 166 Capital Building Allotments, Being Subdivision of Portion 12, Parish of Indooroopilly.
This property adjoins the famous St Lucia and River Bend Estates, is close to the Ironside and other well-known estates, and forms the centre of a district which must in a very short time figure as one of the handsomest and fashionable suburbs of our ever extending metropolis.
It stands on a beautiful ridge, attaining a gentle elevation, which will enable the residents on it to command a panoramic view of the loveliest description, embracing the city north and south and surrounding country.
The soil is fertile, the locality healthy, the regular steam communication already established (without dwelling at all on the erection of the proposed bridge, which may be looked upon as accomplished) renders it one of the most convenient and at the same time one of the quietest and choicest places for a residence which could be found anywhere near Brisbane.
All other properties in the neighbourhood have been cut up and disposed of.
Buildings are already being erected, and this state of affairs must from the very nature of things continue, not on the same scale as before but at a rate which will probably exceed the most sanguine expectations of those who have had the foresight to invest in this locality.

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