1887 Sherwood Rise Estate - 133 years old today

Today is the 133rd birthday of the Sherwood Rise Estate in Sherwood.  

On this day, Saturday 5th March 1887, the Sherwood Rise Estate in Sherwood was auctioned. 

1887 Sherwood Rise Estate

The newspaper at the time described it as the 


Magnificent Soil for Gardening Purposes.

Scenery Unsurpassed. Extensive Views.

Every Facility for Regular and Speedy Transit to and from the City.

Trains Pass Every Half-hour.

Fares by Season Ticket Actually Cheaper than Omnibus or Tram Rates.

An Elevated, Lovely, and most Charming Position.

Very Convenient.

Estate Separated from Railway Station by Government Road Only.

Happy Birthday Sherwood Rise Estate!

Newspaper Article - 1887 Sherwood Rise Estate

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