1887 Baynes' Paddock - 137 years ago today

Today, 137 years ago, on Saturday, 16th July 1887, the Baynes' Paddock in Stones Corner was being advertised for sale by auction on the ground.

Baynes' Paddock Map

1887 Baynes' Paddock - Stones Corner, Brisbane

The Baynes' Paddock was advertised in the local papers on the days leading up to the sale. 

Newspaper Advertisement

The Baynes' Paddock covers Logan Road (map shows as Main Logan Road), Logan Road (map shows as Cleveland and Logan Roads), Cleveland Street, Lincoln Street (map shows as Arnold Street), Regina Street (map shows as Rita Street), Flora Street (map shows as Victor Street), Zillah Street (map shows as Reuben Street), Cornwall Street, Cornwall Street, Logan Street, Vera Street, Beatrice Street, Ernest Street and Juliette Street (map shows as Adelaide Street).

Google map showing the present day location of Baynes' Paddock

Check out the 1936 Aerial view of the Baynes' Paddock.

1936 Aerial Photo of Baynes' Paddock

1936 Aerial Photo of Baynes' Paddock

More Stones Corner information available

Newspaper Advertisement - The Telegraph - Page 8

Friday, 15 July 1887

Tomorrow on the Ground.
Commencing at 2 o'clock sharp.
Special Trams from 1, 1.10, 1.20, 1.30 and 1.40 conveying visitors to the grounds free.
The Grandest Property offered in Brisbane for Years.
That Magnificent Property known as Baynes's Paddock
Comprising 471 Splendid Business and Residence Sites situated immediately at the junction of the Logan and Cleveland Roads having an extensive front to each.
471 Allotments
Alternative Terms
(1) One-tenth Cash, balance in six monthly instalments up to 4 1/2 years, bearing 8 per cent interest.
(2) One-tenth Cash, balance in three monthly instalments, up to 27 months, with 8 per cent. added.
(3) £5 per Allotment Cash; balance at £1 per month, 8 per cent. added. This will not apply to any lot realising over £50.

To Capitalists, Speculators, Grocers, Butchers, Bakers, Clerks, Mechanics, Labourers, and Others.

Arthur Martin & Co have been favoured with instructions to sell by public auction, on the Ground on Saturday Afternoon, July 16, commencing at 2 pm sharp.

That magnificent property known as Baynes's Paddock described as portion 106, parish of Yeerongpilly and portions 107 and 108, parish of Bulimba, subdivided into 471 Allotments.

Sixty-three of these lots have frontages to the Main Logan Road, which is perhaps the best thoroughfare leading to the city, and 19 have frontages to the Main Cleveland Road, another very important thoroughfare.

This Property is so well known that the auctioneers do not consider it necessary to dwell at any length on a description of its situation, but for the information of a few who are not familiar with this neighbourhood, it may be well to state that it is immediately at the junction of the Logan and Cleveland roads, having an extensive frontage to each, and close to the terminus of the South Brisbane Tramway, within a few minutes walk of Woolloongabba, one of the most important business centres in the city, and surrounded by some of the most popular Estates that have ever been offered in Brisbaue, and in itself certainly second to none of them. The formation is of a gently undulating character, and is in fact perfection itself, so far as the requirements of Building and Drainage is concerned. It has been subdivided carefully and judiciously, and as a consequence every lot commands a pretty view.

As to convenience, it is scarcely necessary to call attention to the unique position it occupies. Tramway Waggonettes pass by regularly, but those may be altogether dispensed with as the Terminus of the Tramway proper is within a few yards, and apart from all this it is within comfortable walking distance of the city.

To the Labourer, Mechanic, or man of small means, Baynes's Paddock is the place to buy in. It is all high and dry, without any danger of being flooded, and, as already stated, within easy walking distance of the city; and if not inclined to walk you can always depend on a tram every few minutes. To the business man on tho look-out for a spot to erect his future business premises on, these main road frontages afford an unprecedented chance.

It is well known that there is more traffic on tho Logan Road on account of the vast extent of splendid country to which it forms the key than any other thoroughfare leading to or from the city, and with the thicker settlement which is every day accruing the traffic must every day become more and more, and hence the daily improvement of these lots for business purposes, and their inevitable enhancement in value. As to tho Capitalist, this is the place par excellence for a safe outlay with the certainty of a grand return in the way of unearned increment.

The enormous strides of advancement made by this particular locality during the last few years cannot help astonishing the coolest on-looker. Thousands of comfortable residences are being erected all round : in fact, the Thompson Estate adjoining is thickly built on. Business places are springing up rapidly and everything in the neighbourhood seems to be prospering beyond conception. A person absent for the last five years would be rather impressed with the numerous buildings which stand where there was scarcely a solitary habitation then, embracing the mansions of the capitalists as well as the less assuming but comfortable home of the mechanic or labourer, but any clear-headed individual with any experience of other places will at once come to the conclusion that there is scarcely any room for surprise, and that this peculiarly fast advancement is the natural sequence of its being by far the grandest outlet for the enormous flow of population which is daily pouring into the city. There is no other block in the neighbourhood of Brisbane and possessing the same facilities for transit as BAYNES'S PADDOCK. So now is the time.

The Auctioneers would respectfully urge on their own personal friends and the public generally the advisableness of inspecting this property, for the reason that an inspection will result in buying, which must be to the mutual benefit of both buyers and sellers. Without dwelling further on the merits of this grand property as an investment, the Auctioneers beg to point out that it in in the centre of the fastest rising suburb of Brisbane, thickly populated all round, conveniently situated, with every possible facility for transit, and from these facts, which are patent to everybody, it is scarcely neccessary to argue that it is an investment of a very safe and superior nature ; but, in conclusion, would again call attention to the Terms, which are perhaps the easiest for such a valuable property ever offered in Brisbane namely, One-tenth Cash, Balance in instalments up to 4 1/2 years, bearing 8 per cent interest. Say a man buys £100 worth of land, he has only to pay £10 cash and at the rate of 7s. 8 1/2d. per week, with Interest added, for 4 1/2 years, when the full amount is discharged and he immediately on payment of the last instalment gets a conveyance of the land ; or a purchaser of £50 worthy similarly pays at tho rate of 3s. 10 1/4d. a week. There can be no reasonable doubt at all but this Property will have trebled in value before tho last payment falls due. Such a chance has never before been offered to the working-classes. The terms place them on the same footing and give them exactly the same chance as the capitalist or speculating land shark.

Special Tramcars will run conveying intended purchasers to the terminus, which is within a few yards, free.

Sale on the Ground. Saturday, July 16. Lithographs on Application.

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