1888 Indoopoopilly and Taringa Park Estate - 132 years old today

Today is the 132nd birthday of the Taringa and Indooroopilly Park Estate in Indooroopilly.  

On this day, Saturday 3rd March 1888 the Taringa and Indooroopilly Park Estate in Indooroopilly was auctioned. 

1888 Taringa and Indooroopilly Park Estate

The newspaper at the time described it as the 

...most charming and picturesque which can be imagined. 

It described Swan's Road (now Swann Rd) Taringa as the 

SWAN'S ROAD has been ever since the foundation of the colony the prettiest drive and ride outside the city.

Happy Birthday Taringa and Indooroopilly Estate!

Newspaper Article - 1888 Taringa and Indooroopilly Park Estate

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