1889 Oxley Station Terraces Estate - 132 years ago today!
Today, 132 years ago, on Saturday 15th June 1889, Oxley Station Terraces Estate in current day Corinda became available for sale.
1889: "The Auctioneer is at a loss for words to describe the exquisite beauty of this unsurpassed spot. To those who have been privileged to visit the beautiful scenery in the Highlands of Scotland, and the unrivalled scenery at Kilarney and Wales, this is equal to any of these, and seldom has the public had the chance of securing a Residence Site in such a lovely and choice spot."
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1889 Corinda - Oxley Station Terraces Estate

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Newspaper Advertisement
Brisbane Courier - Saturday 15 June 1889 - Page 8
Auction Sales
This afternoon, on the ground at half-past two o'clock sharp. IMPORTANT NEWS
Gentlemen, Solicitors, Bankers, Merchants, Wise Men and Others.
A. LAWSON & CO., Auctioneers and Valuators, Advance Auction Mart, 112 Edward Street, have been favoured with instructions from the owner (Wm. Gray, Esq). to sell by public auction, on the Ground, on SATURDAY, 16th June, at Half-past two o'clock sharp,
That Valuable and Most Picturesque BLOCK OF LAND, being PORTION 183, PARISH OF OXLEY, with a splendid RIVER FRONTAGE, which has been subdivided into 145 SPLENDID BUILDING SITES, suitable for Mansion and Villa Residences known as the OXLEY STATION TERRACES ESTATE
This beautiful Block of Land is situated on the banks of the River, adjoining the residences of C. M. Collins Esq.; W. M. Davidson Esq.; E. Labbatt Esq.; and J. P. de Winton, Esq., and others.
Only Five Minutes' Walk from Oxley Station.
The Auctioneer is at a loss for words to describe the exquisite beauty of this unsurpassed spot. To those who have been privileged to visit the beautiful scenery in the Highlands of Scotland, and the unrivalled scenery at Kilarney and Wales, this is equal to any of these, and seldom has the public had the chance of securing a Residence Site in such a lovely and choice spot.
Owing to a number being anxious to secure a piece of this famous land, the proprietor has kindly consented to cut it up, thus giving an opportunity to everyone to come forward on the day of sale and choose for themselves.
Inquiries are being made as to what these valuable lots are likely to bring. Well, this is left entirely with the Auctioneer, and there is practically No Reserve.
Every lot shall be knocked down to the highest bidder, and the TERMS come within the reach of all-namely, One-tenth Cash, Balance 6, 12, 18, and 24 mouths, at 8 per cent. 2 1/2 Discount allowed to cash purchasers.
Free Conveyance by train, on the ground, 15th June, at 2.30 p.m. sharp. Remember the day of sale. Note the locality. Note the terms.
And Don't Forget the Auctioneer A. LAWSON & CO., Advance Auction Mart, 112 Edward Street. Lithos. now ready. Title, Real Property Act. A. LAWSON (late of A. M'Nish Fraser).
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