1890 Rylatt Estate - Indooroopilly - 131 years old today

Today is the 131st birthday of the The Rylatt Estate in Indooroopilly.  

On this day, Saturday 29th March 1890, The Rylatt Estate in Indooroopilly was available for sale. 


1890 Indooroopilly - Rylatt Estate


Check out the Aerial Photo from 1936 of the Rylatt Estate in Indooroopilly

1936 Indooroopilly - Rylatt Estate

The newspaper at the time described it.

Opposite the State School and the Indooroopilly Township Estate.

Being on the crest of the hill, the views are simply grand, extending as far as the borders of New South Wales and the Main Range.

Frequent Train accommodation - cheaper than trams.

The late disasterous flood has shown to many people that to be safe they must live on highland, and this property has only to be seen to be appreciated.

Happy Birthday Rylatt Estate!


Newspaper Article - 1890 Indooroopilly - The Rylatt Estate


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