1912 Sherwood Park Estate - 111 years ago today

Today, 111 years ago, on Saturday, 18th May 1912, the Sherwood Park Estate in Sherwood was being advertised for sale.

Sherwood Park Estate Map

1912 Sherwood Park Estate - Sherwood, Brisbane

The Sherwood Park Estate was advertised in the local papers on the days leading up to the sale. 

Newspaper Advertisement

The Sherwood Park Estate covers Bentinck Street (map shows as Hill Street), Barchester Street (map shows as Riverview Street), Prospect Street, Berry Street and Honour Avenue (map shows as Railway Terrace).

Check out the 1936 Aerial view of the Sherwood Park Estate.

1936 Aerial Photo of Sherwood Park Estate

1936 Aerial Photo of Sherwood Park Estate

More Sherwood information available

Newspaper Advertisement

The Brisbane Courier - Saturday 18 May 1912 - Page 9


For Sale by Public Auction
On the Ground, at 3 o'clock

Magnificent Residential Sites, Absolutely the Cream of the Sherwood District.

Situated between the Railway Line and the River, on high, north-easterly aspect; splendid surroundings; every allotment capable of being converted into a charming home.
Trains leave Central Station at 1.55pm and 2:30pm.
Train Fares only 4 1/2d. a day.
TERMS :- £1 per allotment deposit, balance 10/ per Allotment per month thereafter; interest at 5 per cent per annum.

Call for Plans
Cameron Bros., Town Hall, Auctioneers

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