1912 Sherwood - Sherwood Park Estate - 109 years old today

Sherwood Park Estate - 109 years ago today.

On this day, 18th May in 1912, the Sherwood Park Estate land was available for sale.

1912 Sherwood - Sherwood Park Estate

 Sherwood Park Estate Advertisement

Compare the 1936 Aerial Photo of the Sherwood Park Estate with the present day Google Maps

Newspaper Advertisement

The Brisbane Courier - Saturday 18 May 1912 - Page 9


For Sale by Public Auction
On the Ground, at 3 o'clock

Magnificent Residential Sites, Absolutely the Cream of the Sherwood District.

Situated between the Railway Line and the River, on high, north-easterly aspect; splendid surroundings; every allotment capable of being converted into a charming home.
Trains leave Central Station at 1.55pm and 2:30pm.
Train Fares only 4 1/2d. a day.
TERMS :- £1 per allotment deposit, balance 10/ per Allotment per month thereafter; interest at 5 per cent per annum.

Call for Plans
Cameron Bros., Town Hall, Auctioneers

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