1914 The Green Hill Estate - 111 years ago today

Today, 111 years ago, on Saturday, 14 March 1914, the The Green Hill Estate in Alderley was being advertised for sale.

The Green Hill Estate Map

1914 The Green Hill Estate - Alderley, Brisbane

The The Green Hill Estate was advertised in the local papers on the days leading up to the sale. 

Newspaper Advertisement

The The Green Hill Estate covers Lloyd Street, Edith Street, Hilda Street, Elfreda Street, Cole Street.

Google map showing the present day location of The Green Hill Estate

Check out the 1936 Aerial view of the The Green Hill Estate.

1936 Aerial Photo of The Green Hill Estate

1936 Aerial Photo of The Green Hill Estate

More Alderley information available

Newspaper Advertisement - The Brisbane Courier - Page 9

Saturday, 14 March 1914

A Pretty Place
This day at 3 o'clock, on the ground
One of the prettiest localities in the go-ahead district of Enoggera
The Green Hill Estate
Situated within 'Five Minutes' walk of Alderley Railway Station, and consisting of
150 Very Excellent Sites
On a Beautiful Grassy Hillside, with Nice Outlook, Good Drainage, and everything that could be wished for in the selection of a home.
The pegs are in position, and the roads are under construction.
Terms for Everybody
Half-a-sovereign deposit, and Half-a-sovereign per month; interest 5 per cent.
This is one of the Best, and you must not miss this chance.
Plans on Application.
Special Concession:- The first six buyers of 2 or more allotments who erect and complete Cottages of a value of £200 or upwards within six months from date of sale will receive a rebate equal to the cost price of one of their allotments.
Take your ticket from Central to Alderley by the 2.36 train.
Return fare 4d.
Weekly tickets, 1/6
And remember
That Enoggera is the same distance from the city as Eagle Junction.
Deeds are ready so that you can build immediately.
Isles, Love & Co., Auctioneers

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