1915 Runcorn - Fruitgrove Estate - 109 years old today

Today, 109 years ago, on Wednesday, 5th May 1915, the Fruitgrove Estate in Runcorn was being advertised for sale at the Mart, Queen Street, Brisbane.

Fruitgrove Estate Map

1915 Fruitgrove Estate - Runcorn, Brisbane

The Fruitgrove Estate was advertised in the local papers on the days leading up to the sale. 

Newspaper Advertisement

The Fruitgrove Estate covers Bonemill Road, Hill Road, Mango Street (map shows as Mango Avenue), Warrigal Road (map shows as Gatehouse Road), Daw Road (map shows as Government Road), Pine Street, Orange Street, Lemon Street, Abercorn Street (map shows as Station Street), Nectarine Street (map shows as Railway Terrace), Pear Street, Plum Street, Beenleigh Road (map shows as Main Road), Diamond Place, Jade Close, Hillview Street, Daffodil Place, Premworth Place, Clematis Court, Eucalyptus Crescent, Vista Circuit, Coachwood Close, Ironwood Close, Rosewood Place, Kalanda Street, Islington Street, Pharaoh Close, Luscombe Street, Ardmore Street, Dolomite Street, Carellen Street, Bonhaven Street, Jaranga Street, Hollywood Street, Judith Court, Gleneva Street, Murrumba Street, Eastmere Street, Foxdale Street, Hinton Street.

Google map showing the present day location of Fruitgrove Estate

Check out the 1946 Aerial view of the Fruitgrove Estate.

1946 Aerial Photo of Fruitgrove Estate

1946 Aerial Photo of Fruitgrove Estate

More Runcorn information available

Newspaper Advertisement

The Brisbane Courier - Page 10

Wednesday, 5 May 1915 


Drive Out or go by train - It's only 9 miles from the city

It will open your eyes to the rich, volcanic, loamy, chocolate and red soil ridges that will grow bananas, strawberries, pineapples, etc to perfection; and the black soil flats for early vegetable crops cannot be beaten.

Tomorrow (Wednesday) at 11am in the Mart, Queen Street.

It's a chance. Avail yourself of it. No Bluff, but a safe investment.

Terms: Well! they are so liberal that the crops you grow will pay off the terms. One-tenth Cash; balance in half-yearly payments up to 3 years, interest 5 percent. If you pay cash within three months, no interest.

Get a Plan - Have a Look at It - and Buy.

G. H. Blockside & Ferguson, Auctioneers, Queen Street.


  • Ron Ryan

    Hi I lived in lemon st next door to the then hockey family

  • Mark

    I lived at 33 Orange Street in the 60’s/70’s

  • Michael Russo

    I lived at 33 lemon st as a kid in the 60s

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