1926 Memorial Park Estate - Graceville - 95 years old today

Today is the 95th birthday of the Memorial Park Estate in Graceville.  

On this day, Saturday 24th April 1926, The Memorial Park Estate in Graceville was available for sale on the ground. 


1926 Graceville - The Memorial Park Estate


Check out the Aerial Photo from 1936 of Memorial Park Estate in Graceville

1936 Graceville - Memorial Park Estate

The developer at the time ran a "Catch-Phrase" competition was

  • 1st Prize - Choice block of Land on the Memorial Park Estate
  • 2nd Prize - Choice block of Land at half-price
  • 3rd Prize - Block of Land at 25 per cent reduction.
  • Three Special Prizes of 10 per cent reduction
  • Consolation Prizes of price reduction, varying from £1 to £5, according to merit

Competition winners announced at the sale.

    Newspaper Article - 1926 Graceville - The Memorial Park Estate


    The advertisements at the time described the Memorial Park Estate as.

    Selling will take place of one of the finest Estates that could be offered around Brisbane.

    Faces well-kept, modern Recreation and Sports Grounds

    Surrounded by particularly fine types of homes - a veritable paradise for homeseekers

    Newspaper Article - 1926 Graceville - The Memorial Park Estate


    The Local Sketch includes information about the proposed terminus for the Motor Boat Ferry to North Quay.


    Newspaper Article - 1926 Graceville - The Memorial Park Estate


    Happy Birthday Memorial Park Estate!

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