1929 Sherwood - Sherwood Station Estate - 92 years old today
Happy 92nd Birthday Sherwood Station Estate in Sherwood!
On this day, 17th May in 1929, the Sherwood Station Estate land was available for sale.
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Compare the 1936 Aerial Photo of the Sherwood area with the present day Google Maps
Newspaper Advertisement
Brisbane Courier - Friday 17 May 1929 - Page 8
SHERWOOD, where breezes blow, birds sing, flowers bloom. Mum and Dad, I can sell or rent attractive homes and building sites, Chelmer, Graceville, Sherwood, Corinda, Oxley, elsewhere. Herbert Hoare for Happy Homes. U7470, Sherwood.
SHERWOOD Station Estate, home late Judge Cooper, splendid big building sites, chocolate soil, £200, £225 each. Hustle to these. Herbert Hoare, U7470, Sherwood.
SHERWOOD, villa residence, front and side verandahs, enamel bath, 32 perches, home you'll be proud to own £650, deposit £50, 25/ week, including interest. Another bargain, six rooms, verandahs three sides, quarter acre, splendid position, £350, deposit £50. Immediate possession. Herbert Hoare (next Pictures), U7470, Sherwood.
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