This Suburb Maps also appears in the following collections:
Plan of The Richmond Park Estate to be sold by public auction on the ground on Saturday, December 6th.
Street names shown on the map:
The map covers the present day streets:
Year: 1884
Date: Saturday, 6th December 1884
Location: Morningside, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
The map also includes the following text:
HOOKER, SON, & ELLIOTT are favoured with instructions to Sell by Public Auction, on the Ground, on Saturday, 6th December, at Two o'clock.
That choice Property situated at the junction of the main Government Roads leading to BULIMBA, HEMMANT, LYTTON, TINGALPA, WYNNUM, CLEVELAND, REDLAND BAY, ETC. being the Great Eastern Road to the most fertile FARMS, VINEYARDS and SUGAR PLANTATIONS that are to be found anywhere around Brisbane, and being NEAR TO GALLOWAY'S HILL, and having the DIVISIONAL BOARD OFFICES erected on the Estate, must commend itself to those acquainted with the locality, as one of the most desirable places for residential purposes, enjoying all the advantages of a HIGH, HEALTHY SITUATION, and the exhilarating influences of the PURE COUNTRY AIR, with the health-giving advantages of the SEA BREEZE FROM THE RIVER, and being only a short distance beyond NORMAN CREEK BRIDGE, as to be within comfortable walking distance from the city, and certainly on the MOST BEAUTIFUL ROAD ON THE SOUTH SIDE, leading from Kangaroo Point, and for a considerable distance running along THE BANK OF THE RIVER.
The situation of this property is so fine that one who paid a visit of inspection remarked: It is a pity to subdivide it; I should like the whole of it for myself. These are the properties that should be subdivided, that those of humble, as well as those of ample means, may have a cheerful place of abode.
There is already established A LINE OF OMNIBUSES running regularly as far as the Rope Works, and with increasing settlement, which is going on rapidly in that direction at present, it cannot be long before the distance of 'bus accommodation will be considerably extended. But even this means of travelling will before long be superseded by the more convenient and rapid communication of THE RAILWAY LINE.
It appears to be a foregone conclusion that sooner or later a RAILWAY TO BULIMBA AND LYTTON must be formed to meet the growing importance of those localities, and is meanwhile regarded as simply a question of time. Already there has been placed upon the Loan Estimates the sum of £80,000 for the RAILWAY TO CLEVELAND, and without professing any great knowledge of engineering matters, and presuming that the course which the line will take has not been definitely decided upon, nothing seems more natural that to justly recognise the claims of Bulimba, Hemmant, and Lytton, the line should take that course to Cleveland. In the event of the course indicated being taken, property in THE RICHMOND PARK ESTATE will become IMMENSELY ENHANCED IN VALUE, as the line referred to would have to pass close by the property for sale.
Hitherto our population has been too sparse to give anything like an adequate idea of THE ENORMOUS INCREASE OF THE VALUE that must ultimately ensue from the multiplication of OUR SUBURBAN RAILWAY LINES.
We have not, however, to go far for information on this point, and those who have recently visited our Southern capitals of Sydney and Melbourne require no further evidence of the value of suburban properties where railway facilities exist. Soon these Suburban Lands, decried by WISEACRES as of fictitious value, instead of being bold as now, BY THE LUMP IN ALLOTMENTS, will have to be purchased by the hesitating and procrastinating buyer, if ever able to secure a Building site, at SO MANY POUNDS PER FOOT.
With the rapid addition to our population, any suburban properties near the capital of Queensland will ultimately become the safest and MOST LUCRATIVE SAVINGS BANK in, which the hard-earned savings of our industrious population can invest their money.
Free Conveyances from our Mart, Town Hall, from half-past 12 o'clock.
Terms: 1/4 Cash, Balance by Bills at 4, 8, and 12 months, 8 per cent added.
HOOKER, SON, & ELLIOTT. Auctioneers, Town Hall.