1887 Hendra - Hendra Railway Station Estate
1887 Hendra - Hendra Railway Station Estate
1887 Hendra - Hendra Railway Station Estate
1887 Hendra - Hendra Railway Station Estate
1887 Hendra - Hendra Railway Station Estate
1887 Hendra - Hendra Railway Station Estate
1887 Hendra - Hendra Railway Station Estate
1887 Hendra - Hendra Railway Station Estate
1887 Hendra - Hendra Railway Station Estate
1887 Hendra - Hendra Railway Station Estate
1887 Hendra - Hendra Railway Station Estate

Suburb Maps

1887 Hendra - Hendra Railway Station Estate

Regular price $129.00
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This Suburb Maps also appears in the following collections:

Map showing Hendra Railway Station Estate which is now part of current day Hendra

To be Sold on the ground by public auction on Saturday, 29th October 1887, at 2.30 o'clock pm.

Street names shown on the map:

  • Main Government Road to Racecourse (now Zillman Road)
  • Main Government Road (now Franz Road)
  • Street 1 ch wide (now Bowley Street)
  • Street 1 ch wide (now Lethem Street)
  • 1 ch wide (now Conquest Street)

The map covers the present day streets:

  • Zillman Road, Hendra
  • Franz Road, Hendra
  • Bowley Street, Hendra
  • Lethem Street, Hendra
  • Conquest Street, Hendra

Year: 1887

Location: Hendra, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

The map also includes the following text:

  • 83 Magnificent Building Sites. 83
  • A Fine Commodious House Property
  • Almost adjoining the Hendra Railway Station.
  • Terms Exceedingly Liberal.
  • Being ReSubs 1 to 84 of Subs 5 & 10 and Re-Sub 1 of Sub A of Allotments 8 & 9 of Portion 5, Parish of Toombul.
  • Only one-fifth Cash, balance by promissory notes at 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, and 18 months, bearing interest at the rate of 8 per cent per annum, or a discount of five percent allowed for cash.
  • James R. Dickson & Company, Auctioneers
  • Gregory G. McLennan, Surveyor, 23 Queens Street,
  • Gordon and Gotch Litho.

Newspaper Advertisement

Newspaper Advertisement - Brisbane Courier - Page 9

Saturday, 29th October 1886

Hendra Railway Station Estate
Train Leaves Brisbane Station
10 minutes past 1 o'clock pm
Free Waggonettes leave the mart.
James R. Dickson & Company, Auctioneers

Hendra Railway Station Estate
This Day
Sure Fortune
Don't miss it.
James R. Dickson & Company, Auctioneers