Today is the 131st birthday of the The Rylatt Estate in Indooroopilly.
On this day, Saturday 29th March 1890, The Rylatt Estate in Indooroopilly was available for sale.
Today is the 110th birthday of the The Adams Estate in Newmarket.
On this day, Saturday 18th March 1911, The Adams Estate in Newmarket was auctioned on the ground.
Check out the Aerial Photo from 1936 of Adams Estate in Newmarket
The newspaper at the time described it as a country retreat.
Right alongside the Newmarket Railway Station, where the pretty gum trees are.
52 very choice Buidling Sites fronting Wilston Road, Alderson and Farm Streets and Railway Line.
A nice, healthy, elevated position with pretty surroundings.
Happy Birthday Adams Estate!
Today is the 134th birthday of the Sherwood Rise Estate in Sherwood.
On this day, Saturday 5th March 1887, the Sherwood Rise Estate in Sherwood was auctioned.
Happy 135th Birthday Healthfield Estate in East Brisbane!
One Hundred and Thirty Five years ago today, on Saturday 27th February 1886, the Heathfield Estate in East Brisbane was available for sale on the ground by public auction.