1886 Heathfield Estate - 139 years ago today

Today, 139 years ago, on Saturday, 27 February 1886, the unsold balance of the land of Heathfield Estate in East Brisbane was being advertised for sale by public auction on the ground.

Heathfield Estate Map

1886 Heathfield Estate - East Brisbane, Brisbane

The Heathfield estate looks to be named after Commander George Poynter Heath of the Royal Navy and the first Portmaster of Queensland.  George Poynter Heath lived in Hanwood house.

George Poynter Heath

The Heathfield Estate covers the following streets in East Brisbane.

  • Burlington Street
  • Clarendon Street
  • Ashfield Road
  • Lytton Road (map shows as Govt Road)
  • Heath Street (map shows as Govt Road)
  • Mowbray Terrace (map shows as Govt Road)
  • Northcote Street (map shows as Unnamed road)
  • Heidelberg Street (map shows as Unnamed road)

Google map showing the present day location of Heathfield Estate

Check out the 1946 Aerial view of the Heathfield Estate.

1936 Aerial Photo of Heathfield Estate

1946 Aerial Photo of Heathfield Estate

The Heathfield Estate was advertised in the local papers on the days leading up to the sale. 

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More East Brisbane information available

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The Brisbane Courier - Saturday 27 February 1886 - Page 7

This Day

In response to the hundreds of applicants who wanted to purchase privately in


The Auctioneers have the pleasure in announcing receipt of instructions from the the Proprietors to offer the unsold balance for sale on the ground.

On the above date, the unsold allotments in the celebrated HEATHFIELD ESTATE, Situated directly opposite the residences of Mrs Mowbray, V. Power Esq, and the Eskgrove Estate

Adjoining Captain Heath's residence, the Mowbraytown Estate, close to Shafston, the residence of C. M. Foster Esq.

Within a few yards of the Ropework


Terms:- Quarter cash: Balance 4, 8 and 12 months, bearing 8 per cent interest

To Capitalists, Speculators, Merchants, Commission Agents, Clerks, Mechanics and Others.

Arthur Martin & Co. have been favoured with instructions from the Proprietors to sell by public auction, on the ground on Saturday afternoon, 27th February commencing at half-past two o'clock sharp, the balance of the Heathfield Estate, Kangaroo Point, comprising 200 magnificent allotments.

Being Subdivisions of Portions 80, 81 and 84, South Brisbane.

This beautiful property is situate within 15 minutes walk of the Kangaroo Point Ferry, only one remove from the Ropeworks, adjoining the Mowbray Estate, and in the centre of a fast rising and most important district.

It occupies an enviable position. Its beautiful elevation, its choice aspect, picturesque scenery, fashionable surroundings, superb views, comprised with the healthiness of the locality,

And its peculiarly favourable position on account of its close proximity to the city, should commend it to anyone on the lookout for Residence Sites, or may require any.

Such a chance is not likely to be offered again of securing a property in such a quiet locality, and at the same time so close to the city, that it must be regarded as nothing elso than an integral part of same, at such ridiculously low prices as the Heathfield Estate will be sold for

At the last sale held on the ground every allotment offered was disposed of, and the Auctioneers now are to dispose of every lot if time permits.

The owner's limits are so absurdly low that it is almost equal to selling without reserve.

It is no exaggeration whatever to assert that this Estate is the best and most suitable for building purposes that has been offered in Brisbane this season.

Its situation in such close proximity to the city; its formation, which consists of gentle undulating slopes, rendering drainage an easy matter and many other important features which require no special allusion to, contrive to render it

Superior not alone to anything that has been offered this season, but for years back.

The neighbourhood is so well and favourably known that it requires no special comment to localise it; suffice it to say that for

residence sites, suitable for every class and in every walk of life, the mansion as well as the villa, these lots are of a far superior nature to what people have been used to of late.

The attention of speculators, capitalists, and the business public is especially directed to this sale the main road frontages, on which there is considerable traffic, are splendid business sites.

Lithos. Ready.

Sale on the ground, Saturday, 27th February.

Cabs and other Conveyances engaged to convey intending Purchasers and their Friends to the ground free of charge

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1 comment

  • Ian Miles

    Lot 61-63 of Allotment 80 Heathfield estate was bought by Henry James Harcourt (1820-1909) brother of Ann Harcourt , wife of William Perry Premier of Queensland. He lived at “MORA”


    The property was bought by Chemist William Ernest Appleby till 1924 when sold.

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